Windstream Enterprise

Have you heard that by 2025, 36.2 million Americans will be working remotely, an 87% increase from pre-pandemic levels?¹

We recognize your clients have a lot to manage when it comes to constantly shifting users, applications and work environments, while keeping all application and security policies synchronized with these changing endpoints.

To help your clients stay one step ahead in this ever-changing digital world, and defend against an increasing number of cyberthreats, Windstream Enterprise with Cato Networks is proud to announce a fully integrated Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) solution.

As the nation’s first and only managed service provider to deliver this unified, cloud-native architecture, Windstream Enterprise can now better protect your clients from cyberattacks, optimize their application performance and enhance their network reliability.

Don’t wait to get SASE.
Connect with your Channel sales team today to learn more.

Best regards,

Tony Thomas
President & Chief Executive Officer, Windstream
